Bilder vom Gothic Festival 2010 in Waregem gibt es auf <a href='' target='_blank'></a>. Mit dabei: Void of Sadness, Mildreda, FGFC820, Whispers in the Shadow, Triarii, House of Usher, Faderhead, Funker Vogt, Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio, Umbra et Imago, Sex Gang Children, Covenant, Seventh Harmonic, Militia, Narsillion, Triore, Arcana, Nosferatu, Dive, Anne-Marie Hurst, Yelworc, Front Line Assembly, In the Nursery, Skinny Puppy, Erato, Vic Anselmo, The Exploding Boy, Star Industry, Bettina Köster, Rabia Sorda, The Eden House, Unheilig, Spectra*Paris, Alien Sex Fiend, Faith and the Muse und VNV Nation.
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Skinny Puppy
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VNV Nation
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