Covenant - 7 (+) Slayer - 7 Metallica - 8 (-) New Model Army - 5 Laibach - 6 PJ Harvey - 5 Patti Smith - 2 Soap&Skin - 7 Dead Can Dance - 5 And One - 4
Covenant - 7 Slayer - 6 (-) Metallica - 8 New Model Army - 5 Laibach - 7 (+) PJ Harvey - 5 Patti Smith - 2 Soap&Skin - 7 Dead Can Dance - 5 And One - 4
"Wer Gott sät, wird Sprockhövel ernten" - Wiglaf Droste<br><br>"It's no good pretending that any relationship has a future if your record collections disagree violently" - Nick Hornby
Covenant - 7 Slayer - 7 (+) Metallica - 8 New Model Army - 5 Laibach - 7 PJ Harvey - 5 Patti Smith - 2 Soap&Skin - 6 (-) Dead Can Dance - 5 And One - 4
Covenant - 7 Slayer - 7 Metallica - 9 (+) New Model Army - 5 Laibach - 7 PJ Harvey - 5 Patti Smith - 2 Soap&Skin - 6 Dead Can Dance - 5 And One - 3 (-)
<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><span style='font-family:Courier'><span style='color:purple'>What can you tell me of the inside? Is it as bright as all can see?</span></span></span>
Covenant - 8 Slayer - 7 Metallica - 10 (+) -> Hall Of Fame! New Model Army - 5 Laibach - 7 PJ Harvey - 5 Patti Smith - 1 (-) Soap&Skin - 6 Dead Can Dance - 5 And One - 3 Alphaville - 5 -> NEU!
"Von allen Tyranneien ist eine Tyrannei, die aufrichtig das Beste für ihre Opfer will, vielleicht die repressivste." (C.S. Lewis) Termine in MS:
Covenant - 8 Slayer - 7 Alphaville - 5 New Model Army - 5 Laibach - 8 (+) PJ Harvey - 5 Patti Smith - 0 * und hinaus! Soap&Skin - 6 Dead Can Dance - 5 And One - 3
als Neuzugang: Nitzer Ebb
" Ich bin so sehr Rechtsradikal wie Adolf Hitler ein Maler war! " <br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a>
Covenant - 7 Slayer - 9 (+) Alphaville - 5 New Model Army - 5 Laibach - 7 (-) PJ Harvey - 5 Soap&Skin - 6 Dead Can Dance - 6 And One - 2 Nitzer Ebb - 5
<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><span style='font-family:Courier'><span style='color:purple'>What can you tell me of the inside? Is it as bright as all can see?</span></span></span>
Covenant - 8 Slayer - 8 (-) Alphaville - 5 New Model Army - 5 Laibach - 8 (+) PJ Harvey - 5 Soap&Skin - 5 Dead Can Dance - 6 And One - 2 Nitzer Ebb - 5
"Wer Gott sät, wird Sprockhövel ernten" - Wiglaf Droste<br><br>"It's no good pretending that any relationship has a future if your record collections disagree violently" - Nick Hornby
Covenant - 8 Slayer - 8 Alphaville - 5 New Model Army - 5 Laibach - 8 PJ Harvey - 5 Soap&Skin - 5 Dead Can Dance - 5 (-) And One - 2 Nitzer Ebb - 6 (+)
" Ich bin so sehr Rechtsradikal wie Adolf Hitler ein Maler war! " <br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a>
Covenant - 8 Slayer - 7 (-) Alphaville - 5 New Model Army - 5 Laibach - 8 PJ Harvey - 5 Soap&Skin - 5 Dead Can Dance - 5 And One - 2 Nitzer Ebb - 7 (+)
"Wer Gott sät, wird Sprockhövel ernten" - Wiglaf Droste<br><br>"It's no good pretending that any relationship has a future if your record collections disagree violently" - Nick Hornby