Niggels hat geschrieben: "Verrückter Haufen" + Sputnikhalle + [bitte Namen der Party einfügen] ist immer eine gute Kombi!
Und "Verrückter Haufen" + Sputnikhalle + "Tanz den Mai" + 100 Liter Freibier ist da doch sicher hundertprozentig. ^_^
So, der "verrückte Haufen" macht seinem Namen alle Ehre und legt für das kommende Wochenende folgenden Plan vor:
Hello Everybody!
So, how about this then for a tentative plan:
Saturday 29th April
All day event: Relaxing, drinking lot's of water, purchasing grill supplies,
and condiments, get a good night sleep!
Sunday 30th April
08:00: Greg wakes up all the other Georgstrasllers singing Bohemian-
Rapsity in the shower at, 200000 decibels!
17:00: The Georgstrasslers Leave the Georgstrasse for the HbF - Destination Muenster
17:18: The Georgstrasslers leave Osnabrueck Hbf
17:19: The Georgstrasslers start drinking and singing silly songs.
17:24: Kerstin leaves dirty, dirty Dortmund Hbf for wonderful Muenster Hbf.
17:27: The Georgstrasslers are asked by the conductor to please be quiet,
and he informs us he never wanted to be a conductor but he had too
much hair and wasn't crazy enough to be an augenoptikmeister
17:53: Kerstin arrives in sonny, wonderful Muenster - Yipee!
17:56: The Georgstrasslers arrive in sonny, wonderful muenster - Yipee!
18:00: Kerstin and the Georgstrasslers jump in a bus, on the way to Rebekka
19:00: Kerstin, Rebekka, Trollo, the Georstrasslers order something to eat
from one of the lovely delivery services.
20:00: Rock on
21:00: Kilian starts making funny noises
21:01: Greg starts making funny noises
21:02: It all goes down-hill from here....
22:00: Rock on
22:30: Sputnikhalle, Rock on
23:00: Rock on
24:00: Rock on
01:00: Rock on
02:00: Rock on
03:00: Rock on
03:30: Rock all the way home....
04:00: Good night Marry-ellen, Goodnight Johnny, Goodnight everybody
Monday 01 May
09:00: After snoring the entire night, Greg gets a swift kick in the head
from Kilian, Kerstin rolls over, Linda removes the ear-plugs, and
Greg goes to the washroom to asses the damage.
11:00: Breakfast
12:00: Gitti and Thomas arrive
12:00: The fun starts here!
Boot-tossing, Music, Grilling, Football, Tretboot-fahren, loud
obnoxious fun, etc...
17:00: Fun is over, time to go home...
Any questions, comments, or suggestions?
Best regards,
The Georgstrasslers